
Chapter 1: What I remember...

I remember being formless. Floating in the abyss between worlds it hadn’t mattered. What did matter was that I remembered a before. I know I had a before. Before the gap, before I became whatever it is I am now. I was something. I was… I think, human but I remember not fitting in, and then I fell in, and I haven’t stopped regretting that bit yet. When I started falling, I know I had a form, though I rarely grasp a whisp of what that was like. I became nothingness while I was there. A whole lot of nothing floating around in more of nothing. The Gap is a terrible place. Since it exists between worlds, nothing can exist within it, but things seem to fall in so often that I might cry because it shouldn’t be that easy, it certainly isn’t when they try on purpose. When something falls into the Gap, it has a form, a shape to call its own, but it never gets to keep it. Everything about that form, from what it might look like, to what it is like to own it, shifts and unravels like a great big